Owning a dog in Spring Hill offers many seniors a great way to stay active. Not only can a dog provide companionship and comfort, but life with a dog also encourages more physical activity for many seniors. Building a fitness and activity routine, however, doesn't come overnight. Take a look at these strategies for improving physical fitness and activity as a pet owner in the Spring Hill, Brooksville and greater Inverness area.
1. Schedule daily walks.
Pets need a lot of exercise in order to keep them healthy. Even lower-energy dogs benefit from regular walks around the block. For many seniors, walking a pet is a great way to get out and explore the gorgeous Spring Hill, Brooksville and greater Inverness area. Those walks may gradually increase in length over time as seniors build up their energy levels.
2. Head out into the yard to play.
Some seniors might not be physically fit enough to go for long walks with a dog, but they may have enough energy to get out in the yard and play fetch. Throwing a ball or stick, moving around the yard with the dog, and enjoying the great outdoors can encourage greater levels of activity and even, in some cases, help rebuild balance and overall endurance.
3. Check out local dog parks.
Do a search for dog parks near you to find the best dog parks for seniors and their dogs. For example, Rotary Centennial Park in Spring Hill has an off-leash dog park where dogs love to run and play. Visiting dog parks is a great way to get out of the house and enjoy more time outside, and may encourage many seniors to go for longer walks in the area after the dog is done playing.
4. Try running or jogging with a dog.
For seniors who are already in decent shape, running or jogging with a dog is a great way to keep activity levels up. Jogging through the trails of the park with a furry friend can help add a note of fun to the day. Many seniors find that the increased activity helps keep them healthy longer. Going out with a dog on a regular basis also increases the odds that the activity will continue, since the dog will encourage that activity.
5. Schedule longer walks through the area on a regular basis.
Pick a day of the week and make a commitment to check out the many parks in the Spring Hill, Brooksville and greater Inverness area. Drive out to new locations. Check out new parks. In many cases, it will offer a great chance to explore, meet new people, and stay much more active. Seniors should gear those walks to their energy and activity levels, gradually increasing over time to help increase endurance.
Having a pet is a great way to increase activity and improve quality of life. However, in order to get the full advantages of life with a pet, seniors need to make that extra activity a priority: part of their daily lives and schedules.
Are you or a loved one struggling to get out? Do you need more help with everyday activities, including keeping a pet fed or cared for? At Senior Helpers of Spring Hill, we can help you with many of those everyday activities. Contact us today to learn more.