Can Skin Care Products Turn Back Aging?
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Can Skin Care Products Turn Back Aging?

          There’s no shortage of ads for expensive face creams and lotions that purport to reduce the appearance of age, billing themselves as “fountains of youth”, or claiming that their effects are so powerful they’re putting plastic surgeons out of business.

            The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has repeatedly warned a number of cosmetics companies that their claims in their ads crossed lines, pointing out that the ability of their products to do things like regenerate cells, boost genetic activity, and increase collagen and elastin in skin were, at best, unsubstantiated.

            At the same time, the FDA has seen a huge growth in the number of products making these claims. Invariably, the old saw that “something that sounds too good to be true, probably is” continues to ring true.

            That doesn’t mean that there’s nothing we can do to keep skin healthy as we age. Though the appearance of our skin as we age is largely an extent of the genes we’re born with, many lifestyle choices can help keep skin looking healthy.

            According to dermatologists, the best thing we can do to protect our skin from premature aging is using sunscreen. Sun exposure leads to freckles, age spots, leathery skin, spider veins, and skin cancer. Before going outside, use a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.

            Using moisturizer, especially during dry months, will help to avoid cracking and chapping. Apply it to your hands, face, and wherever else your skin feels dry. While certain ingredients are more effective at preventing wrinkles, your moisturizer need not be expensive. If yours comes with a high price tag, you may just be paying for the name and the marketing.