As people age, cognitive health often starts to suffer. Whether a person begins to have mild memory problems or the decline is more severe, it can still feel scary. Playing games can actually be helpful because they help people focus, improve concentration, and work the brain. Games help stimulate the mind, whether they're basic computer games or video games on a console.
Games That Require Movement
Various systems now come with movement-related additions that allow people to really interact with the game they're playing. Rather than sitting down and holding the remote, players are up on their feet and engaging in the activity portrayed on the screen. Systems like the Wii, PlayStation Move, and Xbox Kinect all allow for this interactivity. Seniors 65 years and older can play sports without physically being on a field or court. They can swing their arms like they're up to bat without a real ball actually flying toward them. It's a great way to move without repercussions. Exercise is great for cognitive function.
Puzzle Games
Puzzles are also a great option to help work the mind. Brain power is required to help find the next piece of the puzzle or complete a level. Whether someone is completing a puzzle on the table in front of them or working out a puzzle on a video game, the benefit is the same. Games like Tetris and ones that require matching skills are also beneficial.
Math Games
Math games require people to think and process information, therefore boosting brain power and function. The more they're played, the more seniors work to enhance memory and concentration. Games like Sudoku combine both math and puzzles for even more of an impact, but any math brain game can help with problem-solving skills and logical reasoning.
Word Games
Word games are just as effective as math games. Many older adults find these games enjoyable. They can keep a person occupied for hours. Whether they involve using only a select number of letters to create a word or request the player to guess the word based on clues, word games keep the mind working to come up with the conclusion. They can also help build vocabulary. Tons of choices exist on any app store and are available on various video game consoles and computers.
Any Games They Like
Any game can be worthwhile if it's enjoyable for the person playing it. Games that feel too difficult will be frustrating and ones that don't catch the person's attention won't hold their interest for long. Any individual trying to find a game to play should choose one they actually enjoy. It will encourage them to continue playing regularly.
Advancing levels in an enjoyable game not only brings cognitive benefits but also enhances confidence. Giving games a try can help older adults boost their brain power while bringing a sense of entertainment and fulfillment to their lives. Reach out to Senior Helpers Palo Alto, or one of the nearby locations in Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, or Menlo Park for further exploration of positive cognitive-enhancing activities.