4 Summer Self-Care Tips for Caregivers on the Go
Caregivers accompanying an older adult throughout the summer months need to focus on their own well-being as well. Yes, caregivers are working to help maintain the health and wellness of the person they are caring for, but they are also human beings themselves with their own needs to consider. Self-care is incredibly important for anyone responsible for the safety of others, as they can only continue to do so if they, themselves, are mentally and physically well. These tips can help.
Maintain Adequate Hydration Levels
Hydration is one of the key factors for staying healthy and safe on hot summer days. Fail to get enough water, and a person can quickly become dehydrated and experience serious symptoms, such as fatigue, dizziness, and an inability to keep fluids down. It's even possible to experience heat exhaustion when the sun is blaring down and not enough water is inside the body to help combat it. Caregivers should maintain adequate hydration levels for themselves and the person they are caring for, keeping bottles of water with them in a pack or staying close to drinking fountains or places that sell beverages.
Utilize Sun-Protection Options
Sun protection comes in many forms. Caregivers should apply sunscreen to any exposed skin to help reflect the sun away and absorb as much of the UV rays that get through so they cannot harm the skin. Also, wear sun-protective clothing. The Skin Cancer Foundation says to avoid light-colored cotton that attracts the sun and allows UV rays to seep through. Denim and synthetic fibers are woven more tightly to ensure UV rays cannot get through and cause harm to the body.
Take Shaded Breaks
Whether a caregiver and the person they're helping look after are simply out on a walk, exploring the zoo, or on vacation, it's wise to stop regularly and take shaded breaks. Getting out of the sun and spending a few minutes in a shady, cooler place can help to minimize the heat's harmful effects and keep the body's energy levels up. It's important that caregivers stop and find a shady spot or head inside a building when they or the person they're with are feeling tired or overheated. It may also be better to stay inside during the hottest hours of the day and enjoy outdoor activities when the heat isn't as staggering.
Maintain a Work-Life Balance
Helping to improve the lives of others is a worthy profession, but sometimes a person needs to focus on themselves so they have the energy and ability to handle job duties without suffering from exhaustion or severe stress. Caregivers are in a particularly stressful field and need to maintain a work-life balance to ensure their best health. Even in the summer and while enjoying fun activities and time outdoors with the person being cared for, caregivers still need some time to themselves to clear their minds, de-stress, and feel at ease. Utilizing one-day respite care services for the older adult they are assisting may sometimes be necessary.
Caregivers on the go this summer, or at any time, should always keep their own self-care a priority. Without doing so, it is too easy to fall subject to symptoms of stress and experience deteriorating health conditions because of it. Senior Helpers Palo Alto, Santa Clara, Menlo Park, and Sunnyvale are here to assist. Contact us if you could benefit from our services at any of these locations.