How Seniors Can Build a Fitness and Activity Routine With Their Dogs
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How Seniors Can Build a Fitness and Activity Routine With Their Dogs

Fitness is important for every age group, but it's especially necessary for seniors hoping to maintain their mobility and stay strong. Having a dog in their care can help with this. Persons over the age of 65 responsible for a canine companion can build a fitness and activity routine, starting out with low-impact, simple care-related activities and working their way up to more advanced options.

Begin at the Lower Tier of Exercise

It's best to start at a lower tier of exercise, especially if the senior in question has not been very mobile as of late. The actions throughout the day of taking the dog outside for a bathroom break, going to their bowl to pour food, and simply being with the pet, can be a great start. Taking care of a dog, in general, provides terrific encouragement for movement and gets people up and active more often throughout each day.

Advance to a Middle Tier of Exercise

Many dogs are quite active and require more than a few minutes out in the yard. Most like to run, fetch, and play. At the very least, seniors should attempt to advance to the middle tier of exercise by taking their dogs for regular walks. A simple walk around the neighborhood will greatly benefit both owner and pet. It offers a chance for exercise and is ideal for mental health as well. Seniors can start by walking up and down their own street before venturing farther out. 

Try the Highest Tier of Exercise

If, and only if, the senior feels comfortable doing so and has been cleared by their physician, should they try to advance to the highest tier of exercise. Rather than taking a dog on a walk, a senior owner can attempt a mild jog or even a run, if possible. A person of any age must avoid pushing themselves too hard. Walking offers plenty of benefits already. Another great option is to bring the dog to a park intended for canines and their owners. Many parks even offer two distinct areas, one for mild-mannered pets and the other for more active creatures. Some excellent exercise activities for both include:

  • Tossing a ball or stick to play fetch
  • Throwing a frisbee
  • Running around the perimeter of the park

Connect With Senior Helpers Palo Alto

Dogs provide significant benefits to their senior owners. Aside from the physical movement people can achieve when they have a canine in their care, dogs are simply wonderful companions with whom to share a life. Even though many people over the age of 65 are quite capable of caring for a pet, they still may require some assistance themselves. That's where Senior Helpers Palo Alto comes into play.

We offer a comprehensive suite of programs intended to provide the precise type of care and assistance each senior client requires. Whether a person needs personal care, companion care, a wellness watch, or more advanced solutions, Senior Helpers offers in-home care in Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Santa Clara, and Sunnyvale. Reach out so we can determine how best to assist you or your loved one.