While the holiday season is a joyful time for many, it can often be an emotional time of year as well, especially for seniors who are about to have their first holiday season living alone. That 'empty nest' feeling doesn't solely apply to when a parent's kids grow up and go off on their own, but it can also occur when the spouse of a senior loved one pass. This can leave a feeling of loneliness and put a damper on the cheer that normally surrounds this festive time of year.
Let's discuss ways you can make the holidays feel a little less lonely this year.
With Your First Holiday Season Living Alone, Acknowledge and Understand Tough Emotions
One of the hardest things for senior loved ones during the holidays is admitting that they might be feeling a little less spirited than usual. After all, no parent wants to feel like they're taking away from the excitement and fun of the holiday season, but that doesn't stop those lonely emotions from creeping up. If your senior parent seems a little less enthusiastic than normal during the holidays, try acknowledging the changes behind that, such as an empty house. Be empathetic and understanding.
If you've lost a loved one recently, it can be a great opportunity to bond over memories of that person together. It might feel bittersweet, but connecting over the mutual understanding of how different this holiday season might be can be a great way to make everyone feel less alone. Talk about your feelings together and remind your senior parent that it's okay to feel this way. It's healthy.
Plan Ahead
The holidays are the busiest time of year, and there's no surprise that it can be hard to fit in extra plans. However, if you've recently lost one of your parents and it's the first year the other will be spending alone, it can leave everyone with a rollercoaster of emotions. If able, get ahead of the tough season by planning a day to spend some extra time with your senior mother or senior father. This is a great way to spend extra time together making memories and can help everyone feel a little less lonely.
It can be as simple as planning to have an extra meal together, stopping by to watch a movie, or even taking them out to look at festive decorations. That little bit of extra time is heartwarming and a perfect way to remind your senior loved one that they're not alone.
Connect Virtually
Not able to visit in person? No worries. If your senior parent has internet access and a smartphone or tablet, you can opt-in for a video call to chat and check in. This option might not be the easiest if they're not very tech-savvy, but even a regular call can brighten a loved one's day. Sometimes a little extra communication goes a long way.
Go the Extra Mile for Senior Loved Ones
It's easy to get caught up in the holiday stress of planning and balancing times and events with regular ones like work. If you know that you won't be able to spend a ton of extra time with your senior mother or senior father, it may be time to consider in-home senior care. At Senior Helpers Inland Empire, we understand how holiday fatigue can dampen the holiday spirit for anyone living alone, and we can help encourage hobbies and offer exemplary care for those times you're not available. Senior Helpers Inland Empire serves the Chino, Corona, Chino Hills, and San Bernardino County areas. Curious about the ways we can help boost the holiday spirit for everyone? Contact us today for more information.