Keeping Summer Bugs and Insects Away From Your Home
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Keeping Summer Bugs and Insects Away From Your Home

Summer is a time for sunshine and barbecues. Unfortunately, however, it’s also a time for bugs. Pests like mosquitoes, flies, ants, and spiders become more active during those hot summer months, especially during rainy weather. From practical preventive measures to natural alternatives to chemical repellents, there are several ways to get rid of bugs and enjoy your outdoor spaces again. 

Common Summer Bugs and Insects

Summer brings out a variety of insects, each with its own set of problems. Mosquitoes, the infamous summertime pests, are not just annoying – their bites can cause itchy welts, and they're known to spread diseases, too. Meanwhile, ants invade our kitchens, flies hover around our food, and spiders can scare even the strongest among us. For seniors, these intruders can pose real health risks, causing allergic reactions or stress.

Preventive Measures: Indoors

The way to a bug-free home starts from the inside. A clean, well-organized home does not offer hiding places or food sources for insects. Ensuring your home is not a feast for pests means proper food storage: sealed containers, immediate clean-up of spills and crumbs, and taking care to dispose of garbage regularly. Regular home maintenance is crucial too. Fix any cracks, gaps, or damages that could serve as an entry point for these miniature invaders.

Preventive Measures: Outdoors

Taking care of the yard is another step in creating a bug barrier. Overgrown vegetation, accumulated debris, and standing water all provide perfect breeding grounds for pests. Regular trimming of plants and lawns, cleaning up piles of leaves or debris, and, most importantly, ensuring there's no stagnant water around the home will help keep mosquitoes and other bugs at bay.

Natural Alternatives to Chemical Repellents

Chemical repellents are often effective but can trigger allergies or sensitivities, especially in seniors. Therefore, safer alternatives are preferable. Many natural elements like lemon, eucalyptus, citronella, and lemongrass are known to repel insects and can be used in different ways around the home. Creating homemade solutions with these ingredients can provide gentle yet effective bug control.

Maintaining a Comfortable Living Environment for Seniors

Combining these measures with maintaining a comfortable living environment is key. Many bugs dislike cool, dry spaces, so keeping the home well-ventilated and at a comfortable temperature helps. Leveraging natural light can deter some insects as well, and regular cleaning is a must, not just for hygiene but to get rid of any potential bugs or eggs hidden out of sight.

Summer should be synonymous with fun, not frustration from incessant bugs. With a clear understanding of common insects and some preventative housekeeping measures, maintaining a comfortable, insect-free environment for seniors is completely achievable. 

Get Support Making the Most of Summer

If you need additional support or resources in caring for your senior loved ones in the Folsom, Loomis, Rocklin, and Granite Bay areas, feel free to reach out to us at Senior Helpers Folsom-Granite Bay. We're here to help make your summer – and that of your senior loved ones – as enjoyable and carefree as possible.