Keeping Seniors Safe in Thunderstorms and Extreme Weather
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Keeping Seniors Safe in Thunderstorms and Extreme Weather

It is smart to be alert and ready when thunder rolls in or extreme weather strikes, especially when it comes to the safety of our senior loved ones. Sudden weather changes may present specific challenges for seniors. This Senior Helpers blog post shares some essential tips specifically tailored for family caregivers. These practical steps can help you make sure your senior relatives remain safe and comfortable during thunderstorms and extreme weather conditions. 

Understand the Risks

Seniors often face unique difficulties during extreme weather. Their bodies might not adjust quickly to temperature shifts, for instance, and they might also have health conditions that could worsen under stress or tough conditions. Extreme weather might also pose risks to their physical safety, especially if they are living alone with limited mobility. Moreover, anxiety about the weather can lead to emotional distress. A proactive approach to their safety is the best path.

Prepare an Emergency Kit

One of the first steps towards safeguarding your senior loved ones is preparing an emergency kit. The kit should have essentials like non-perishable food, water, and a first-aid kit. Other important items include necessary medications, warm clothes, blankets, and a battery-operated or hand-crank radio. Make sure to check the kit regularly to see that its contents are up-to-date and in good condition.

Stay Informed About Local Alerts

Information is vital during extreme weather. Staying updated on local weather alerts will help you prepare accordingly. Reliable sources can include local news, weather websites, or weather apps. Some services provide notifications about severe weather, which can be particularly useful to seniors and their families.

Secure the Home Environment

The best place to start is by making sure the home environment is safe and ready. This can include securing loose objects outdoors that might become flying debris and checking that the windows and doors are properly sealed and weatherproof. Make arrangements ahead of time for backup heating or cooling systems should they fail during the storm. Regular home maintenance can prevent many weather-related accidents.

Create a Communication Plan

Communication is key in times of extreme weather. It is important to have a plan that includes regular check-ins with your loved ones. Make sure they have a list of emergency contact numbers readily available. A charged cell phone or a landline telephone that doesn't require electricity to operate is also a good idea. If your senior loved one lives alone, consider enlisting a neighbor's help for check-ins during bad weather.

Deal With Power Outages or Evacuation Necessities

Prepare for power outages by having a stock of batteries, flashlights, and other essential supplies. Plan what to do in case of an evacuation. Make a list of items to take along, and make sure your loved one has comfortable clothing at hand. Identify safe evacuation routes and places your senior loved one can go to take shelter.

Senior Helpers Can Help With Emergency Preparation

Senior Helpers offers customized in-home senior care services for seniors and their families in our communities. If you live in the Cypress, Los Alamitos, Seal Beach, or Long Beach areas, contact us at Senior Helpers of Seal Beach, Los Alamitos. We are committed to helping our community's seniors live comfortable, safe, and enjoyable lives, no matter the weather.