Cancer Support for Loved Ones
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Cancer Support for Loved Ones

            When you have a family member who is afflicted with cancer, striking up a conversation with them about it can be an awkward proposition, and you may find that although you want to have the conversation, you may find that you have nothing that you can think to say. Should you bring up their diagnosis and be frank and direct, or should you talk around it and avoid even mentioning the word cancer? Is it okay to be light hearted and try to evoke some laughter from them? What is the right thing to do should they start to cry? The amount of emotions that will be loaded into the conversation can be difficult, and finding the right words to offer your support is never easy.

But the good thing is that you’re not alone with all of this. When families are facing the reality of a diagnosis of cancer, many of them wrestle with the challenge of having effective communication in spite of their fear and uncertainty. Supporting someone with cancer can be taxing emotionally. Take care not to forget to prioritize your own well-being when you need it. By making sure to take proper care of yourself, you will better be able to provide support to the person you love over time.

Allow your loved one to share their fears and their frustrations, and lend an empathetic ear. Listen to them without judgment or interruption, and make sure to respect their wishes regarding privacy and disclosure, letting them guide the conversation.