When is a Geriatrician Right for You?
While many of us probably already have a primary care physician, particularly as we age into our twilight years and it seems there’s no end to prescriptions and appointments. But there may come a time when you need to branch out, and see a doctor who specializes specifically in the care of older adults. Consider that when you were small, or when your children were, you took them to a pediatrician. Just as children need specialized care specific to the concerns of their bodies that differs from adults, at the other end of the spectrum, older adults are different from the younger cohort in physical, emotional, and social needs. A geriatrician can, in many cases, be the best choice for aging adults, as their health status changes and they may find their goals for care becoming more complex.
A geriatrician is a family or internal medicine doctor who completes a separate geriatrics fellowship, which is two years of additional training. They specialize in health conditions commonly affecting older adults, such as osteoporosis, falls, dementia and memory loss, and more. Patients can run the full gamut from robust, healthy seniors to the more frail ones.
But the arguably greatest benefit of a geriatrician is their ability to take a more holistic approach to patient care, treating the body as a whole system working together, rather than focusing on specific issues. Longevity is a poor measure for success, as there’s no cure for old age. Rather, a geriatrician will work with you to prioritize the areas of your health you find most important, to maintain your quality of life.