With all the talk of viruses and immunity these days, it makes sense to learn what we can do to boost our own immune systems. For older adults, this is especially important. As we age, our immunity changes, and the defense systems of our bodies perhaps does not work as well as it did in our younger days.
Fortunately for seniors, with some lifestyle changes, they can make adaptations to help combat their age related decline. As we get older, staying healthy and strong as long as possible is vital.
Nutrition is a core component of health at every age of our lives. A well balanced diet is the best way to get the necessary vitamins, minerals, and protein necessary for a strong immune system. One of the effects of aging is that our bodies don’t process nutrients as efficiently as they used to. Ask your doctor what you should be incorporating into your diet, and whether or not any supplements might be necessary.
Staying active is another important way to keep your immune system strong. Most seniors should exercise for at least a half hour, at least five days a week. Avoiding sitting for long periods of time, which contributes to health problems like diabetes or high blood pressure.
Sleep is important as well, as the body needs recovery time to regenerate. Seniors are especially prone to inflammation and infection, both of which are combated by adequate sleep, which helps to heal our bodies and raise the strength of our immune system.