While caregiving is certainly very rewarding for many of us, there is no denying that the job can also bring about a considerable amount of stress. Finding time in a day to do necessary tasks for just ourselves is hard enough, so you can imagine how the difficulty is magnified by adding in having to do many of those tasks again, for another person, who may or may not be receptive to the help they’re receiving.
It may be tempting to try and reduce stress with activities that may feel good, but are perhaps not the healthiest options we could choose. Opening a bottle of wine, getting a temporary rush of endorphins from retail therapy, or binge eating sugary foods may all feel good in the short term, but can cause problems in the long term. Indulging in these once in a while is certainly okay, but care must be taken to make sure they don’t become habits or go-to solutions in the long term. FInding all-natural remedies that not only make you feel better, but actually improve your health and well being in the long term, is the best solution.
We may see this point repeated so often that it can sometimes feel like we’re being beaten over the head with it, but there’s pages and pages of evidence that shows that exercise reduces stress. Engaging in physical activity releases endorphins in our brains that will make us feel good. While finding time to exercise is certainly a problem with our busy schedules, carving out twenty minutes a day for a brisk walk or jog or bike ride will ultimately lift your spirits and give you an energy boost.
By making exercise a part of your daily routine, you’ll feel lasting effects in the form of reduced stress, more energy, boosted mental health, and your outlook on life will overall be brighter and healthier.
Another strategy is the use of essential oils. Studies have shown that scents can have an effect on our moods, and a few drops in an oil diffuser or sprinkled on your pillowcase will help relax you. The experts recommend that geranium, peppermint, lavender, jasmine, chamomile and lemongrass are the essential oils with the best stress busting properties.
Yoga and meditation often go hand in hand as well. They can be used together or separately, and both of these techniques can reduce your stress and improve your health. Many gyms offer yoga classes as part of their membership fee, and finding yoga studios is a fairly easy prospect in most cities. But if money or transit are obstacles, there are plenty of videos online in places like YouTube that will give you a guide through the basics of yoga or meditation practice. The best part of meditation is that it can be done anywhere quiet, and just ten minutes a day will start providing benefits.
If the idea of resting and quieting your own mind seems unlikely, consider booking a massage. Having a professional work on you for an hour while light music plays and the knots in your muscles get worked out will undoubtedly leave you feeling boosted and relaxed.