Arguments for Elderly Smokers to Quit
If you have been a smoker for a long time, you may wonder about whether or not it’s even worth it to quit smoking after so many years. But the truth is that quitting smoking is never something you can do too late. As soon as you stop, your health will immediately begin to improve.
While quitting smoking is of course difficult, especially if you have been smoking for many years. Most people require considerate effort to quit smoking, and the secret to success is to never stop trying. Many ex-smokers find it beneficial to devise a strategy to assist them in getting through the coming challenge of the days and weeks ahead.
The risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and cancer are all increased by smoking. Even if your elderly loved one has been a heavy smoker for years, it is never too late to stop. The benefits of stopping smoking include:
- Making breathing easier
- Improving skin health
- Improved sense of taste
- Better circulation
- Decreased infection risk
- Reduced risk of heart attack or stroke
Seniors with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are advised to quit smoking immediately. The toxins in cigarettes cause damage to the alveoli, which contributes to shortness of breath, airway blockage, wheezing and coughing. While stopping smoking may not reverse lung damage, it can certainly prevent future damage.
Cigarette smoking is one of the most significant risk factors for heart attack and stroke. The risk of a heart attack or cerebral vascular accident should decrease rapidly as soon as you quit smoking.