Our History
Lance and Taryn were happy to join the nation’s premier in-home senior care company, Senior Helpers, in 2020. Lance brings over 40 years’ experience in the Healthcare Administration field, his most recent being his role as Chief Financial Officer for our community’s Central Peninsula Hospital. It was in his capacity as a healthcare administrator that he became aware of the need for this service in our community. He was seeing patients, especially seniors, discharged from the hospital without the support needed at home. In most cases, these individuals returned to the hospital days or weeks later more sick than the first time they were admitted. Being able to come home to a safe, secure and supportive environment with people to depend on that are dedicated to making you better is something our community has a desperate need for. In his own life, he saw all of the struggles his mother had to deal with after the death of his father. Taryn became one of her caregivers in the last few years of her life. They both understand and sympathize with the burden and responsibility families can feel when caring for an aging loved one.
Senior Helpers was founded in 2002 by Tony Bonacuse with the help of Peter Ross. They both had first-hand experience caring for their own family members and understood the need for professional, compassionate and comprehensive care in home for seniors. They knew there had to be something better, so they created it! Like Tony, Peter and other owners nationwide we feel we can be a trusted advisor in guiding seniors and families in our community through all the different levels of care. We will be creating a plan that is customized for your specific needs.