How Technological Advancements Affect the Caregiving Industry in Concord, NC
According to AARP research, by 2020 it was estimated that 117 million people would require care in the United States. We're witnessing a digital revolution, also called the Third Industrial Revolution. It's not just about sustainable development, going green, reducing carbon footprint, and the emergence of digital innovation. Innovators are also working behind the scenes to find solutions to everyday problems in the practice of caregiving.
This is especially important in Concord, NC where individuals over the age of 65 make up 12% of the population. Even those who are aging in will most likely require extra help at some point and may be affected by advamnets in caregiving technology. Healthcare tech developers are continually coming up with new ways of combining existing methods, procedures, services, capabilities, and providing integrations that lead to solutions in this digital transition in the caregiving industry.
6 Critical Areas for the Caregiving Industry
1. Essential Daily Activities
This includes meal plans, personal care, home maintenance, delivery, and transportation services.
Meal plans and personal care problems can become manageable by aide-to-hire apps, home cooking instruction videos, home chore service providers, and home maid services.
Home maintenance includes plumbing, appliance repair, electrical work, painting, and remodeling services.
Home delivery apps provide necessities like groceries and supplies, while ride-sharing apps can address transportation needs.
2. Health and Safety
This includes vital alerts, diet, medication management, individual safety monitoring, and telehealth.
At-home medical devices can measure blood pressure, glucose, SpO2, temperature, and weight.
Apps can check ingredient info if someone has diet restrictions.
Nutrition apps can be custom designed for conditions like diabetes.
Apps can alert to symptoms such as dizziness or migraine.
Reminder apps and pharmacy apps can solve medication management issues.
Devices check personal safety for hazard prevention and emergency response.
Q Medic bracelets can route health crises to the right care team.
Online "house call" apps can connect patients with their doctors for follow-ups and consultations.
3. Coordination of Care
This covers planning, professional engagement, management of records and benefits, and recovery support.
Care planning includes creating, reminding, setting up, and updating care tasks.
Professional engagement includes reviewing, scheduling, and communicating with doctors and facilities.
Records management includes verifying benefits, filing claims, payment of bills, dispute resolution, and storage of health records.
Recovery support includes care transition management, dealing with referrals and meds, securing equipment or supplies, and managing home nurses and therapy.
4. Support for Transitioning Phases
This includes retrofit services, insurance planning, care provider referral, legal assistance, hospice, and funeral planning services.
The home retrofit includes info, products, and services geared toward making independent living more comfortable.
Insurance planning involves resources, guides, and quote services.
Guides for comparing nursing homes can help assess long-term care providers.
Legal assistance can be provided by the power of attorney, advanced directive, creation of a living will, and documentation for estate planning.
Funeral planning can involve the evaluation of providers and will or trust management.
5. Social Well Being
This covers social and digital inclusion, life enrichment, networking, and companions.
Video chat, messaging, virtual reading, and games on devices can help with issues caused by social isolation.
Mood-sensing apps and organization tools can help with life empowerment.
Networking can take place through social media, digital meetup bulletins, and apps for the neighborhood.
Digital companion services or online support groups can provide companions for lonely patients.
6. Quality of Life (QOL) for the Caregiver
This includes respite care, social support, health, and financial security.
Adult daycare services and proxy caregivers come to the rescue for respite needs.
Patients can receive social support from caregiver support groups and social media, while health sites can manage wellness.
Budgeting, financial planning, and work-life balance programs can aid in the organization of your finances.
How is Caregiving Changing and What Can We Expect?
Caregiving is going digital with the release of new products like voice-activated home assistants. The main goal of innovators is to give caregivers one interface that integrates transportation services, home shipments, sharing capabilities for social aspects, and built-in safety monitoring.
What Kinds of Apps Can Help Caregivers and Patients?
Apps and sensors for data collection, cloud storage, and data analytics are replacing traditional landlines. A new model for spending is evident in digital platforms like CareLedger and SimplyInsured, which manage health and benefits records in places like Concord.
Patient PAL service integrates planning support across care and offers services for short-term care coordination and long-term planning (like hospice care). Trustcircle gives caregivers one platform for overseeing details like locating vendors for health services after discharge and managing daily tasks.
The Caregiving Industry Has Potential
Companies are seeing the potential for voice technologies, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the internet of things in the caregiving marketplace. Alexa paired up with Home Advisor to connect clients to answers for over 3,000 tasks.
The Robot Companion to the Rescue
If patients are experiencing physical limitations, the Jibo home robot can locate objects for someone who can't move around well, and it can visit with family members and provide some social benefits to the patient.
In Case You Need a Reminder or a Delivery
Now you can be reminded by a virtual nurse to take your medication, measure your vitals, and make your doctor's appointments.
Whether you need groceries delivered to your house, a ride to your doctor's appointment, home maintenance repair, or a maid to clean the house, there are apps and businesses available to serve your needs. Convenient and efficient digital solutions are replacing traditional services.
The Caregiving Industry is a Hundred Billion Dollar Opportunity
The technological upgrades don't stop there. There is a potential $308 billion cumulative market opportunity for caregiving. As goods and services become more easily accessible, affordable, manageable by becoming integrated into one interface, caregiving will continue to improve for everyone. As innovators find more solutions for gaps and areas of need in Concord, the approaches taken in the caregiving industry will continue to transform.